May 31, 2012

Behind the Scenes...

Props to Studio Manager Abby Davis for putting this together.

May 24, 2012

Colby Shoots for Sullivan Higdon Sink / Merial...

After we wrapped we all got a chance to ride some horses that our hosts were gracious enough saddle up. We almost lost one of our creatives and I had an interesting situation myself having almost been thrown but recovered. Our stylist, Michelle, was an old pro though and showed us all how it was done.

The ad is still in testing but we'll post it once its released.

May 17, 2012

New Work...

Here are the final posters for the UMB/Barkley project. They were also used for web...

May 11, 2012

Spencer's 5 month photo...

My son, Spencer, in his 5 month photo...

Yes, we cleaned the bowl.